2014年4月7日 星期一

英文新聞 - Cat unraveling entire roll of toilet paper – then dutifully re-rolling it back up again

Hilarious video shows cat unraveling entire roll of toilet paper – then dutifully re-rolling it back up again

We've enjoyed the antics of countless mischievous cats on YouTube, but seldom do we see one who clears up his own mess when he's finished.

2014年4月6日 星期日

英文片語 - 陳腔濫調

繼上一篇的 ancient story 陳年舊事, 特地去查了一下 "陳腔濫調" 的英文

根據雅虎奇摩字典的說法, 有以下幾種說法 :

  • a hackneyed and stereotyped expression
( hackneyed (adj) 〔言辭等〕陳腐的﹐老生常談的 )
( stereotyped (adj) 套用陳規的 )
  • a cliche
這是以前有學過的一種詞, cliche (adj) 陳腐的說法;陳詞濫調
  • a platitude
( platitude (n) a statement that has been made many times before and is not interesting or clever 老生常談﹐陳詞濫調)
  • a commonplace

( commonplace (adj) 平淡無味的;平凡的,普通的;陳腐的
The fashionable remarks of today often become thecommonplace expressions of tomorrow . 今天流行的時髦話明天常常成為陳腐之言。)

英文片語 - 陳年舊事 ancient history

陳年舊事 ancient history

相似詞 old story / repeated tale
人們聊天時,免不了談點陳年舊事,天寶遺事,或「白頭宮女話當年」,這些詞都可用ancient history表達。
以歷史學來看,ancient history指西元前數千年時光,在西方是蘇美文化,古希臘羅馬時期,中國指夏商周時代,即有正式文字記載之前的歷史。所以在不談歷史學時用到這個詞,就有揶揄意味,如「都是上古時代的故事啦!還一講再講嗎?」、「都是天寶遺事了。」
名人講陳年舊事,可以寫回憶錄(memoir),大賺其錢,普通人講陳年舊事,就要小心,免得聽眾覺得“It’s a good story, but it’s ancient history. ”用到ancient history時,就已有不耐煩的意味

因為在 YAHOO 字典裡亂亂逛, 意外收穫了個新片語!! XD
Don’t give me that ancient history again. It’s about time that you leave the whole thing behind.
Peter is talking about his exciting sea voyage, but it’s ancient history.
“What Daddy is talking about?”
“What else? The ancient history of what a miserable childhood he had and how lucky we have been.”

Source : https://promo.tw.campaign.yahoo.net/english/detail.php?id=351

2014年4月4日 星期五

[SKIN] skin-deep & that really gets under one's skin

§skin-deep 膚淺(adj.)

§that really gets under one's skin 令感到厭煩、煩躁。
  補充:piss one's off 惹毛、討厭。   *piss是小便,尿的意思(v.)

皺紋篇 (wrinkles of the skin)

§ crow's feet魚尾紋

To be continue..其他有空再更新QQ

2014年4月2日 星期三

Let's describe mood-not only"smile"&"cry"

smile 微笑
laugh 大笑
grin 露齒而笑
chuckle 輕笑
smirk 得意地笑
simper 痴笑
snicker 壞笑
giggle 咯咯笑
titter 偷笑
guffaw 狂笑
roar 鬨笑
chortle 歡笑
ridicule 嘲笑;mock 嘲弄;deride 譏笑

weep 無聲地流淚
sob 嗚咽、抽泣
whimper 啜泣、嗚咽
lament 慟哭哀悼
mewl 低聲啜泣
snivel 哭訴、抽鼻子哭
whine 哀鳴、發出嗚嗚聲

squall 嚎啕大哭
wail 哀嚎、慟哭流涕
yowl 大哭大叫
blubber 放聲大哭、又哭又鬧


§ to throw someone a curveball(投一記曲球)則可以指一個令人意想不到的奇招。

§ to drop the ball 掉球

§ go three-for three 投出三振

§ strike out 三振出局

§ paint the corners 投內角球
   *paint = pitch 投球

§ paint someone/oneself into a corner,為「使某人/自己陷入困境」。

§ stay current 「與時俱進」,某些情況也能做「關心時事」來用。

§ I've had enough 我受夠了。



The difference between introduce and recommend

The difference between introduce and recommend (介紹和推薦的差別)

            Can you introduce some nice restaurants (for me)?



Sample Sentences for English Letter

§Good day. 您好,早上好。
§Hope everything goes well with you (and your family). 希望您(和您的家人)一切都好

§Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
  *look forward to + Ving
§Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. · 您若能於百忙之中回覆,我們將不甚感激。
  *prompt 及時的,敏捷的(adj.)

§Your understanding will be highly appreciated. 您若能理解我們的難處,我們將不甚感激。

§ASAP=as soon as possible盡快          * as.....as possible 盡可能..
§attendee= visitor

捷運英文 MRT English

 §danger high voltage 高壓電危險

 §chew gum or betel net 口香糖檳榔
       *chew-chewed-chewed 咀嚼,深思(v.)
       *nut 堅果(n.)

 §Please yield your seat to those in need 請座給需要的旅客。



Continued with "chickens that lay square eggs", we got more square fruits!

Square Fruits!


  • Watermelon

2014年4月1日 星期二

英文新聞 - First in the world! According to an expert a farmer is rearing chickens that lay square eggs

A Freedom Food Farm has become the first in the world to rear chickens that can lay square eggs. While the shape makes it convenient for eating, it also means making egg sarnies has become even simpler.

英文新聞 - Rats as big as CATS prowl the streets...

Rats as big as CATS prowl the streets as pest control officers are called to 5,000 sightings in a year in just one city

Rats as big as cats have been scouring the streets of Birmingham, breaking holes in walls and ravaging bins, reports claim.

像貓一般大的巨鼠在英國伯明罕大街上 "出沒" ( scour (v) to search very carefully and thoroughly through an area, a document, etc 〔徹底地〕搜查〔某地或某物〕), 並到處搞破壞