繼上一篇的 ancient story 陳年舊事, 特地去查了一下 "陳腔濫調" 的英文
根據雅虎奇摩字典的說法, 有以下幾種說法 :
- a hackneyed and stereotyped expression
( hackneyed (adj) 〔言辭等〕陳腐的﹐老生常談的 )
( stereotyped (adj) 套用陳規的 )- a cliche
這是以前有學過的一種詞, cliche (adj) 陳腐的說法;陳詞濫調
- a platitude
( platitude (n) a statement that has been made many times before and is not interesting or clever 老生常談﹐陳詞濫調)
- a commonplace
( commonplace (adj) 平淡無味的;平凡的,普通的;陳腐的
The fashionable remarks of today often become thecommonplace expressions of tomorrow . 今天流行的時髦話明天常常成為陳腐之言。)